Indie 2 Ultralight 2 person tent - a hunter's review 1 year on

The Indie 2 tent is a popular ultralight 2 person tent. Craig reached out to us with an unsolicited email saying that he'd like to offer his thoughts on the Indie 2 after buying 2 and using them for more than a year. We're stoked that likes the tent and really appreciate the extra effort he went to contact us. Read on ... 


Thank you for your help with the purchase of the Indie 2 - Ultralight Silnylon 2 Person Hiking Tent. You where very helpful with my many questions . I first brought the same tent in polyester first , It was cheaper but heavier by a few hundred grams. This was very successful so we got the second one in Sinylon so we can all tent on trips. One for wife and I and one for kids. I did not want to put in a review till we had had one for a year. I find them easy to put up. once you have done it a few times it takes one to two minuet's to pitch. It is easy to sit up in and has center connections between fly and inner to keep away from feet and head. It is an easy fit for two. But I like it for solo hunting trips as small and light to carry with two good Vesterbules. You each get your own door. If you are worried about condensation the fly over hangs the inner so you can sleep with one door open each side . Inner can be unclipped for cooking in rain It has never leaked. I have put two mini macpac karabiners in next to the black door catches as I like this better than the catches supplied (with out removing the black catches) . I would very much recommend this family business and this tent.

Craig Davie keen hunter.


Great to hear that the tents have served him and the family well. We've also picked up on the carabiner tip and have our Orson 4cm carabiners here. We'll keep on working on more tents and gear for NZ here at Intents Outdoors. Cheers!



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